Friday, December 14, 2007

love's labour lost

just as the chill of the weather is setting in... a chill it seems to me is creeping into the hearts of many a person. every day i hear of anew break up, of an old promise broken and a new promise forgotten. cheating coupled with hatred seem to flavour this season of joy , love and compassion. and in the midst of it all.... i try and figure out what's behind all of this.
after several discussions with my rather analytical and philosophical friends i have come to the conclusion that man's most basic (yet acidic) of emotion from which stems his every action and emotion is the culprit. " LOVE " . love i've heard makes the world go round. love i've heard makes the desert feel like an ocean and thorns feel like roses and if history is to be believed indeed it has resulted in some of the fiercest of battles. and yet man remains it's slave..... am i a cynic? not at all i am but a realist. just as love makes one blind it also makes the blind stumble.... so, i would just like to say that instead of looking for romance every where and there by spreading un happiness jut "love" the world for what it is and learn to enjoy the season for all it's wonderful gifts.