Sunday, November 19, 2006

reality bites

Love's a complex thing . i don't pretend to understand it but i do believe in it. the years of mushy movies accompanied with a good dose of romantic novels has forced me to believe in the idealistic notion of love. the notion that i will know when the right person comes along , the notion that i will be swept off my feet when I'm faced with it and by the highly unrealistic notion that there will be a sign....... maybe lightening will strike or the clouds will rumble like never before or bells in the steeples will ring as if Armageddon is here.......
But what if that doesn't happen? how do i know that i haven't let the love of my life go just because none of natures forces thought that it was time for them to give me a sign. it's a dilemma. it's not as big as world hunger and poverty but it just makes you think . why do people sell dreams ? is reality so dark? or is it that living in a dream would make it impenetrable for reality to strike? and if it is so wouldn't that just create an uproar when it did strike?