Wednesday, January 24, 2007


just yesterday i had a was so vivid that i still remember it in amazing detail.......
i was walking along a tree lined avenue taking in the beauty of the place. it had everything from beautiful flowers in the bushes nearby to fruit rich trees providing a gentle breeze that ruffled my hair.......when suddenly a thought flashed across my head. it was more of a feeling actually ,it was the feeling of complete lonliness , the feeling that at the end of the street there was no one waiting for me. and it's this feeling that i remember most about the was so real and distinct that i could feel the pain and despair very clearly.
and suddenly i was transported to a bottomless crevice where i was falling and the same dreadful feeling crept on to me that there was no one waiting ........ there was no one to catch me.... no one to hold my hand.
why? why did those feelings creep by? why did i feel that there was nobody waiting for me?these questions will remain unanswered perhaps forever yet i know that they will haunt me till i begin to feel that there is somebody waiting for me.

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